Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Pictures of Wonderful Old Men

My mom just wrote to me yesterday to tell me that they are having a memorial ceremony for my Papou this weekend at the Greek church. My grandfather was an incredible man, and I wish I had tons of pictures of him to post so I could have my own little blog memorial to him. Oh wait! I can:

My Papou was one of the finest gentlemen I have ever known. I used to take for granted how strong he was. I thought he would outlive us all. I know now that it was just his legend.

I've actually been thinking about him quite a bit recently, and I wasn't exactly sure why. I think I had a dream the other night that I sent mom and email about how much I missed him. Weird. She wrote me just last night to say they were having a service. I guess it has been a whole year.

Well, on a brighter note, I found out Wes Anderson is doing a new film which is an animated feature by the studios who did the movie Robots and Ice Age: Meltdown. It is called The Fantastic Mr. Fox. and it is a screenplay he wrote based on the book by Roald Dahl. Well, you can imagine my excitement. I've been coming to the conclusion recently that Roald Dahl is one of my favorite writers of all time. I mean just in terms of the short story, he is a master of not only storytelling, but every general sense of wry. That man is a pastrami on wry. I want to read my children all of his books out loud. I also was thinking about how fun it would be when Justin gets back if we took Jenny (or also Reagan) on a trip and were able to read one of his books out loud in the car, or the tent, or the hotel or whatever. I just love reading aloud, and I love that little grilled cheese on wry. By the way, do you remember what he looks like?

oh wait, i mean:

but what about:

i think we have a winner.

no, but seriously guys, he used to be young just like everyone else, and he was quite a handsome man:

Anyway, the point of all this is that I need to figure out how to get myself involved in this film. Voice work, intern work, dusting mics, baking cupcakes, i don't know, but there's got to be something i can do. I mean the studio is in White Plains! I would go out there daily.

So, i'll leave you all with one final thought for today. A self portrait by Mr. BLT Hold the Mayo on Wry:


Charlotte said...

Is it really wry and not rye? I don't know if it's a play on words or not- I actually just don't know what you're talking about. But although I like his short stories, his books are my favorites. I read the BFG like ten times when I was kid. Also Matilda was my favorite book for a long time after it came out. I can't believe I was a little kid when it came out. That's special. I remember being so excited about it.
Do you know that the first black and white photo you posted of him and the photo with the dogs are actually the same? Teehee.
Every time I write "teehee" I am gotten.
I wish I'd ever met your grandfather. I really feel like I missed out.

Justin said...

The bonus of times is that I did get to meet your grandfather. Just once, but he had the stankiest sense of humor. And was intimidating in a not frightening way - if that makes any sense. He was awesome.
And check this out. Those two photos aren't the same. The dog's ear would be visible in the black and white one, but it isn't. Meaning he was just capable of making identical faces for a photo.
I've never read any of his books.

Charlotte said...

Hey Justin, have you heard of Photoshop?

Zero said...

Oh, Nicole I hope that you do find a way to work on the film, because it would be nasty, and your grandfather was a wonderful person, every second i spent in his presence - of which he had no lack of!

nicole said...

the bread is rye. the adjective describing something that is "ironically or grimly humorous" is wry.

nicole said...

so i was "trying" to make a funny. apparently it did not work.

Charlotte said...

I thought maybe you were quoting something and I was unaware. Also what is hilarious is that I also thought maybe you were confused with the words, so maybe that's why you gave the definitions, although at first I thought you were informing me what each word means. And I was like, "yes, I know." Confusing times.

Charlotte said...

I just want to take a bow for my excellent work in the comments of this post. Pardon me.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.