Tuesday, September 1, 2009

fall into it

Some of my favorite pictures from my recent visit to virginia:

pre yawn

fridge work

and the token picture of me with the baby:

it was a great weekend, and i love and miss my family all the time. lucky i'm going back this weekend too. but this time i'm also going to get to see this gem...

can't wait anna!

love to my mom's garden. inspirational:
moms shed 7:00am


the tree

also before i go i want to say thanks to charlotte for the fashion inspiration. but also thanks to elizabeth james. thanks mary - kate and ashley...

i can't remember the last time i saw clothes i wanted so bad. well that's not true. i work in chelsea. i see things constantly.

the boots on the top left are my absolute favorite.

and thank you justin and icarus. obviously

and thank you wine, coffee, chocolate, and cheese. and olives.

my favorite food groups.

things are looking up.
