Sunday, May 17, 2009

Neon Robot

so we're gonna start a band called Neon Robot and i hope we'll be a little something like this:

then we can all dance at the venue i open called Garbage Pail Williamsburg Big Space Play Loud. can't wait to see you there!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Some things are happening.
I love Twin Peaks. It completely captivates me. I love Agent Cooper, and I want to marry him. I am also SO disturbed by the events on the series. I experience times when I don't think I've ever been more creeped out in my life.

On a different note: work is work and play is play, and I try to enjoy both. I have struck a strange chord with myself. I get so tired working and long to be enjoying my free time, and then I spend my free time feeling unsatisfied with the way I'm spending it. I have days where I'll clean, collage, play the keyboard for a bit, make food, read part of a book, watch something, and maybe even exercise! It is these days I should be happier that I am motivated to be doing anything that lovely with my time. Instead I hold it against myself that it's not good enough. Maybe I believe there is some higher purpose to my life and I keeping myself from it. I do not know how exactly to find it. I do not know that it lives in New York. I dream about going to Greece and teaching English. But will that make me stop seeking this moment or whatever it is that will make me finally truly content with everything? I have the feeling that is a constant force in life that keeps me and many others moving. Forward, I hope.

One thing that really gets me about Twin Peaks is that it can be a bit dramatic at times, and the situations can be so insane, but sometimes a character will suddenly get really real with everyone. So real that I can't believe it was said. That the networks let these jewels shine on television.

i leave you with this: