Sunday, February 3, 2008

Barbados Dreams

i like to think of this photo as our john and yoko photo. but it isn't really.
anyway, i had forgotten about it, and i was organizing all my flickr sets and collections and looking around at all my lovely photos, and i stumbled upon it and thought, i ought to upload that for any of my non-flickr readers out there. or just people who may not look at my photos constantly the way i do.

so i was thinking about it, and what happens in like 20 years? do i still have my flickr account, or what will become of it? oh questions.

so, thinking about my life. what will become of me. i don't know. one thing i do know is that JUSTIN GOT MY TICKETS TO VISIT NEPAL!!!!!!!!!!! i leave April 5th and return May 6th. this is very exciting. i have no idea what i'm going to do in terms of rent or bills while i am not working that whole month, but i'm hoping things just fall in to place for me. i'm picking up as many shifts at the hotel as possible, and i got a few calls for some catering jobs this month, so i may yet get some work to save money. the thing though about catering that i am coming to terms with right now: I HATE IT. like, the thought of going to a venue and wearing that outfit is making me physically ill. i never knew i could hate something so suddenly and so vehemently. i don't know if i am going to be able to go back to it.

what i'm hoping, is that this internship will help me get one or both of these two things:
1. an agent. or a meeting with one so i can start trying to get some acting work.
2. some connections to get on a set as a PA or AD. (that's production assistant and assistant director, for those of you non-industry types out there). i just really wanna start getting some set experience. something i am coming to realize is that i'm too attached to projects to let them go before they even begin production. casting is so early in the game. i like the process of creating the film or the play. so, that's the next step i think.

and then the next steop after that is getting tons of money for doing either or both of those things. haha. whatever.


Charlotte said...

I got my ticket to Nepal today!! I had to order it myself- the airline requires the cardholder to be present. I'm so so so excited. You and I will actually be there together for a whole week. It's going to be surreal and beautiful.
I love that photo of you two.
And how's Brabados?

Jessica + Chuck said...

GEESH - this is a golden age. Nicole just do whatever you need to do and know its worth it. I am so happy for you guys!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!

nicole said...

yea! i am so excited about being in nepal with you charlotte, it is going to be beautiful. and i couldn't help myself. i had to fix my typos. i published this post very hastily today cause i was getting off work and had to leave right away and i didn't proofread at all. sorry everyone. i know my typos are hilarious.

Justin said...

Nobody knows anything about typos until they've chatted online with you. And then 'thank you' becomes 'than kytou'. That's just the latest highlight.
Barbados was a garbage pail. Our time together in Nepal is going to suck EVEN HARDER.
(Also. The word verification for me this time is 'blomi.' How would you pronounce that?)

Red Fish said...

Hey! Is everybody going to Nepal but us? What's up with that? Is it because of stupid things like "school" and "work"? Because I don't believe in those things.