Thursday, February 14, 2008

been a long time

yes, i know i haven't been around much. but i love you guys! while my mom tries to figure out how to comment, i am working on learning how to talk about non-boring things. i will say that i talk about justin a lot. but i guess i spend a lot of time in my head with him. and it's really exciting that i get to go to nepal to visit. so that's been on my mind. i had a great mail day the other night. i came home from work and kiersten came into my room with a handful of mail all for me! I got a card from Dad, a little package from Scott, a letter from Charlotte, and a letter from Justin! When I told Kruppy about the mail I got she asked me if I cried. It's true getting great mail is really unbeatable. But i've been so sort of good at it lately. Also, I want to apologize for my capitalization versus my non-capitalization. since the internship started i have had to write many an email with proper grammar, capitalization, and punctuation. needless to say it has leaked into my home life, and i am now experiencing a frightening case of uncontrollable capitalization. sometimes it works out, and sometimes no.
so today is the day after Valentine's day. i want you all to know that justin sent me the most beautiful orchids from NEPAL! well the orchids aren't from nepal, but he is right now. when the delivery man came i thought they were for sure from my mom or something. anyway i read the card, and then i sort of broke down. like pretty hardcore. and then my upstairs neighbor heard me sobbing and came downstairs and i opened my front door and she was waiting there to hug me. it was really sweet. we made great valentines for one another. she cheered me up a lot. i just got so caught up feeling like i had no idea why i was away from the people i love. it's something i come back to often being here. there are people i love here. this is true. but certainly the most important people in my life are not really here with me at all. they are a bit scattered in fact. so i felt pretty hard about it all. anyway, jenna (my wonderful upstairs friend/ neighbor) and I ate tons of delicious snacks and drank wine and watched an episode of ren and stimpy, a dvd of radiohead videos, some portishead, and tool videos, and looked at vintage still pinup photos that scott chapman recently sent me in the mail day package i received. they are beautiful. i will have to scan some photos so you can all see.
i have pictures of the flowers justin got me that i can also scan. and i took a bunch of photos of the apartment as well. so give me a little time, and i'll have all that prepared for you.
love you all. happy doodoo day.


Reagan said...

Thanks! I just responded to your email before I read this. I'm so excited that I got a public birthday message!

Anonymous said...


I was so glad your day ended up nice. I love that you though the flowers were from me. But hate that I didn't send you anything, but love I guess.

Hope your weekend goes great. And you should always write in proper, caps, lower case, and all those good english rules.


Charlotte said...

I'm so relieved that your neighbor has such star quality. Your day turned into such a cutie as a result. I can definitely relate to the despair and confusion of choosing to be away from really important people in your life. It's such a strange thing.

Jessica + Chuck said...

I too was the happy/touched recipient of beautiful orchids from Charles (hearts!!) LOVE LOVE LOVE :)
I am so glad you have an angel for an upstairs neighbor. She just flew in and wrapped her angel wings around you and picked you up and plugged you back in - bringing you killer healing videos. Being away from those that you love is only going to allow you to have room for more new loves to walk into your heart. Keep and add on to your love. there's no max.
PS i have to enter a word to leave a comment.