Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I told Justin he should use this picture as his headshot. I think it could help him get a lot of work up here in the big apple.

That's actually the inspiration for this post, but since I'm already writing, I should probably tell you about how fun it was going to PA for Alexis' baby shower.

It was really nice to see Alexis. She let me touch her belly when the baby was moving. I was just telling Justin it was really beautiful and not like gobliny or alieny at all. We painted the baby's room. Mom and I worked hard trying to get Alexis to stay out of the room, but she made her way in a couple times and managed to get some work done on her own.
This is the color we painted it:

I'm telling you in person its a bit more of an intense blue green. I loved it. It was bright and happy, and quite gender neutral. I'm so exited about that damn baby peanut. I just keep thinking about the little one moving in her belly! Alexis is one of those hot pregnant girls. Her body looks exacly as tiny and pretty as ever, but she has a big old bun in her oven! (And I'm not talking about her butt).
Mom said it hasn't hit her yet. I really think it hit me. And I'm totally excited about being an aunt! I mean, I love my friend's children, and i feel like Jenny and Reagan are practically my family, and I actually want to die when i think about how much i love them all but this is like, a baby that has my bloodline closer than any other. I'm gonna be exploding with love for that cutie. You gotta see the onesies mom helped me get for Alexis. One of them is a tiny little colorful kimono. I love it!

WEll, I'm spent.

Justin says hey nicole pepper and he's knows someone that's stronger than me. but he also sends his love out there.
Just scroll on back up and check out that picture of him in case you forgot what he truly looks like.


Clan Hill said...

Where did you find a baby kimono?

nicole said...

Well it's from this store in Va Beach that mom loves called Nectar, but the company that makes them is here in NY! Go figure. I forgot the company name, but i'll look for it.

CKF said...

NOW do you understand how you can be loved so much, by "just" an aunt? LOVED the Kimono onsie ...it waso SO cute, and SO you!!

LOVE YOU!!! (Hey Justin)

Reagan said...

I think you'll be an awesome real aunt - Jenny and Reagan seriously think of you as their aunt, but I know it will be different for you when it's your sister's baby. How exciting!

Alexis said...

Loved the post! Thanks for the compliments. I'm so glad your blogging again, it's been a while!

Keep us all updated on the show.
