Friday, January 18, 2008


have you ever loved your boss? i'm not sure i have before now, but suddenly i think i am going to cry. i sent my boss' associate (also my boss) an email last night asking his advice about what i should do about planning my trip to nepal in april and if it was smart to leave for as long a a month. then in the next paragraph i made it very clear how much i love being their intern and every day i wish i did more for them. and i am totally serious. anyway, he emailed me back like almost right away and basically gushed to me about how much they love my at the office. and that we should certainly try to figure out a plan for working around my trip to nepal. i was very happy.
then this morning, actually just minutes ago, my Boss (the big cheese) came in and said to me, "i think you should go to nepal. just do it. and if you come back here or we get you get a different job we'll just wait until you get back. i mean, that's what i think. i don't know, i could be wrong."

and i almost died. they love me and i love them an truthfully it's all professional but hey, who's counting. i am. i guess.

i was so happy i felt like this:

or maybe this:

this is my first experience with not hating going to a job every day. i actually love it. and i get excited about it. now, if only i was making any money...


Charlotte said...

i'm so happy that the people you work for appreciate you. and i'm happy that you love working for them so much. that's how it should be.

Justin said...

I hope they're ready for some sloppy kisses of gratitude from me when I get back to New York.
It's so excellent that they support and appreciate you.

Reagan said...

I found your blog - hope you don't mind! I'm so happy for you that your internship is going well and they are being supportive of your plans!

nicole said...

i thought ihad told you about it already. i'm so glad to get more readers!