Well, today was indeed hilarious. Here are the people I met. Some of which are notably exciting!
In order of appearance (and it's okay to do this cause nobody but you guys really read my blog):

Simon McBurney. He's a great actor and a director. Most recently he was in The Golden Compass, but right now he's getting ready to direct an All My Sons revival on Broadway.

Josh Hartnett. You know him, You love him. HILARIOUS. SO HILARIOUS.
Except this is what he looked like today at the office:

GOT YOU. I wish he looked like that.

Patrick Wilson. I was almost shaking when I met him. I had to be the hostess and I am such a fan of his that I could hear my heart beating in my ears and throat. Oh GOD. Plus, he hasn't shaved in a while so he had some mannish stubble happening, and looked beautiful. You may remember him from Angels in America. OH GOD!

Logan Marshall Green. I mean look at this guy. I had to run to Starbucks for Simon and Cindy (and she hates making me do personal errands like that so she gave me money to buy myself a drink if I wanted cause she is an awesome boss)and when I got back I raced into the elevator and there was this impossible looking fellow standing there holding the door for me. He asked where the bathroom was and I said, "What's your name?" And he said, "Logan" and I said, "Follow me, My name is Nicole I work for blah blah blah..." more hilarity. LORD. He was SO nice though. Nicer than most other people.

Fred Weller. You may remember him from Basquiat. I've seen his face lots of places, but I think he's one of those, Oh yeah, I remember him from so and so.
here's another hilarious picture:

Adam Rothenberg. I don't really know him from much, but he was very kind. And I also saw him in the bathroom which was kind of funny.

Charlotte will like this one. Dallas Roberts. He played Angus on the L Word and I didn't even realize it until I met him today. It was really him! We loved Angus. Until he started acting all weird. I wish Dallas was still on the show. He was SO NICE to me and I will love him forever.
Well, there are a couple more, but nobody that you would care about, I think . I mean Josh Charles and Patrick Carroll both of whom were mostly blah and not particularly nice or charming in any way. Certainly no Patrick Wilson. Or Angus. HAHA! What a day.
In other news I am getting super amped about my trip to Nepal. For those who don't know I am leaving on April 5th, two days after my internship ends. I am very much excited about it, and Zero is coming here on the 4th so we get to spend the few days of traveling together and I am seriously excited about that. I didn't tell you guys but ZERO GOT A PART IN THE REBECCA MILLER MOVIE WE ARE CASTING! We were looking for visual artists to play these visual artists in the movie, and Cindy gave me the job of researching and finding people to play these roles, so of course I gave her pictures of all my friends and we ended up having a day of auditions with a bunch of my friends coming in. Lisa, Chris, Kiersten, Sean Casey, Pat Patterson, Kruppy, her friend Julia, my internet friend Danny (who is an incredible visual artist. dannycannizzaro.com is his website check it out. He's great and when he came in for the audition it was actually our first meeting in person! how cool is that?)
Anyway, Zero made an excellent video and sent it to me with Charlotte as the reader and HE GOT THE PART! Clif also sent in a video but I think his look was wrong. It was the same with all my other friends. Everyone just had the wrong look, except Zero and Sean Casey!!! So they ended up with the parts. We are casting one more guy this weekend and we're having Brendan come in and read for it, so I really hope he gets it. And Cindy said she could probably get Charlotte and I in there as extras for the scene they're shooting, and I really hope it happens, that would be SO fun. I especially hope it happens after I get home from Nepal!
The thing that gets me the hardest is that D.D. Lewis watched all the casting tapes with his wife, so he knows that somewhere out there exists this boy who only goes by one name. ZERO. And he knows that he is going to be in his wife';s movie. And I'll bet he liked his audition if Rebecca Picked him to do the film. She does everything Daniel says. His opinion weighs heavily on her casting decisions. Gosh, this life. If you need to be reminded who those freaks are:

Anyway, love you all! Daniel is coming into town next week and I am SO EXCITED.